The Beautiful People Vs. The Sore Losers
Here you will very rarely read any comments that pertain to, or endorse, any type of celebrity. Tom Waits doesn’t count as a “celebrity” due to his enormous cult following. Nor do artists or the occasional graphic designer. Leonardo seems to be going through a wave of popularity as of late, and you may hear about him here from time to time. But none of these people that I have mentioned would be considered a worthy topic on Access Hollywood. And if you get right down to it, neither is "Da Vinci," as the world seems to refer to him.
I detest the idea of celebrity. It takes me back to high school, where I wanted nothing more than to escape due to the over hype of the beautiful people and sports heroes. Is my life that shallow and boring that I need to validate my existence by giving into the idle gossip and the goings-on of my fellow classmates? But what causes a marginally talented person to achieve celebrity status? It's all beauty. Look at all the famous singers out there who can barely carry a tune. And if they're not really that beautiful, they certainly fit into what society has deemed as such. I mean have you ever actually looked at Paris Hilton --who happens to be the perfect example of a celebrity who's famous for being famous? And because she’s considered “beautiful,” everybody wants a piece of her. It's the American Way. Beauty leads to popularity and popularity leads to commerce.
It was the philosopher, William Tamatoe (1888-1981), who once said “(t)here is nothing more irrelevant to me than what the Larry Hagmans and the Valerie Bertinellis of the world are doing with their free time right now.” If Dr. Tamatoe were alive today, I would hate to be stuck next to him on a Greyhound bus. He would not only be frustrated by all the "news worthy" celebrity inspired stories that bombard us on real news programs, but also the current craze of "regular people" wanting to reach celebrity status through the use of reality television. What is it about being famous that makes people behave like raving lunatics? It all goes back to high school, where one "average" person would roll over on their best friend in a heartbeat for the chance of achieving popularity. Did we learn nothing from Can't Buy Me Love? At the rate that the world is seeing new "celebrities" due to reality television, I predict that, by the time Audrey is my age, the world population of these people will outnumber the “regular” people by over half. This overabundance has done the unthinkable in the sense that it has forced us, as a society, to limit each person's fifteen minutes of fame to a mere six minutes. It's enough to make Andy Warhol roll over in his grave.
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