The Colorblind Art Teacher, #1 & #2 Still Available
As my first month of summer break comes to a close...
I'll pause for a moment to take stock of what's going on in the world of mini-comic publishing. Well my world. I can't really speak for anybody else.
I am currently at work on issue #3 (the penciling is almost finished) and I hope to have it ready in time for fall (if not before). In the meantime, I'm also working on exclusive web-only comics to be posted here.
In other "news," I had hoped to take the book to the Museam of Comic and Cartoon Art Festival, in New York, earlier in the summer. This would have been a good opportunity to promote The Colorblind Art Teacher, as well as do some networking and meet some new people. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get anything together in time. Still, I'll be more prepared next year when the time rolls around again.
Also, Audrey got me a Yankees cap for Father's Day. It was a nice gesture, although I would have preferred a white one with pin stripes, like what Short Round had. But this is fine too.